Saturday, March 31, 2012


Hi, Brylee is doing well. He had surgery Monday to get his adenoids taken out, all went well. We are hoping that this will open up his airway and allow him to come off the oxygen. He is also growing and has finally hit the growth chart.  He is 16 lbs. and 27 inches long at 15 1/2 months. WAHOOO! We are so proud of our little man! He is rolling all over the place and really going after the things he wants. He can sit up by himself for a short period of time to play with a toy placed in front of him. All his labs have been coming back stable, his kidney doctors are very happy with where he is.

1 comment:

  1. He looks so much BIGGER! Thanks for posting an update, I'm so glad to hear Brylee's doing so well. <3 Anna


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